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Topic : Re: Can a "Translation Notes" section also be used for terms used in my fictional world? In the back of the Strawberry Panic Complete Novel Collection there is a "Translation Notes" section -

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CAN you do it? Of course. There's no law against it.

But I'd advise against this glossary being the only source of the included information. When I'm reading a novel, I don't want to flip to a glossary every time the author introduces some made-up word. It breaks the flow of the story. And I may not know what are made-up words for this story and what are real English (or whatever language) words that I just don't happen to know.

So I'd suggest that if you use a made-up word, that you explain it in the body of the story. Either have the narrator define it, or have a character explain it, or make it clear from context. If there are many made-up words, then having a glossary that the reader can refer to if he forgets might be a good idea.

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