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Topic : This tag should be used for questions about using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in your writing, for example to better classify the personality of your characters and to write decisions -

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This tag should be used for questions about using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in your writing, for example to better classify the personality of your characters and to write decisions that people with their character traits would be more likely to make in reality.

The MBTI is a questionnaire that helps you find out what type of personality you have. It's popular in the business sector, but has been the subject of discussions in the scientific community for problems like poor validity and measuring traits that are not completely independent from one another. The scientific community often prefers approaches that are closer to the Big Five personality traits.

This tag should be used for questions that deal with the personality of your characters, for example to explore the possible character-development over the course of your literary work in greater detail. You can ask how to incorporate this approach into your process for writing or how to use it as a technique that helps an author get to know their characters better.

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