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Topic : Re: Taking notes while reading I read books for fun and to help my writing. I want to remember the cool things I read, but I don't want to distract from the enjoyment of reading. Any suggestions -

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When I'm reading for content, I use PostIt notes. I have several different colors and sizes, and I make my notes on those, then press them into place under the passage, and I label part of it with a word or two, which sticks out like a tab when the book is closed. Books I've finished are rainbow colored and ruffled with PostIts. But I can always find what I'm looking for.

I much prefer this to making slow notes on my Kindle. I can see everything at a glance and go right to what I need. Sure, the digital search is nice, but after years of doing it the other way I'm used to it. It's also great for library books, because the notes can be removed.

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