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Topic : Re: How to avoid writing irritating fan fictions? I have recently started writing a fanfiction and I am posting it online as I write it. However, I often see in comments sayings 'This fanfiction -

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Depending on the forum you post your fanfiction you will get those comments no matter what you do. It's a sad fact, but there are many people out there who just want to make others feel miserable and growing a thick skin when posting on the internet is a skill that you might need.

Other than that it depends on the specifics of your fanfiction. For example quite often fanfiction involves different love stories than the original story had. Many people will not like that and this kind of comments are basically standard phrases for "This is not my style. I prefer to read something different." Maybe they didn't like that you changed the typical boy-meets-girl story to a boy-meets-boy story or a girl-meets-girl story or something like that. But this is just one topic that is often chosen, it really comes up with every topic though. Maybe you changed the villain to the hero for your perspective or made the favourite character of some reader to a supporting character with a minor role and now they don't like the story. Maybe you changed the scenery in a way they don't like or you added a story-arc that they find to be too cliché. Or they didn't like your wording. There are lots and lots of different topics that could invite such comments.

The closer you are to the original the less likely such posts are. The more original you are in your writing the more such comments you will receive.

The best advice I can give you is to ignore them. It's hard and it probably hurts quite a lot but these poor folks have nothing better to do than trying to make your life miserable. They are the ones that need to be consoled and you should mentally filter their "feedback" out as it doesn't involve anything useful and is only trying to hurt you.

Ideally you would find a place where you can for example flag something with such vulgar language, but humans are not perfect and the internet tends to bring out the worst in some people, so be prepared for something like this - and be prepared to completely ignore it. Though, I guess, not going to a place where something like this occurs would probably be a better idea if you can find such a place.

Fanfictions are often a starting point for people who want to start writing, meaning that there will be quite a few mistakes, making it thereby quite easy to pick on the weak people, which is why trolls love such places. But there will always be people who think similar things about your fanfiction and sometimes they will voice their opinions in such a drastic manner.

You can't please everyone.

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