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Topic : Re: How to write a good cover letter? As I am applying for an internship in research labs writing a cover letter is the most important part while applying. I have gone through many websites -

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Academic results and extracurricular activities should be shown in your resume/CV or on an application form if provided. It would be worth considering whether the extracurricular activities are relevant or demonstrate transferrable skills - they can be omitted if not. If the results are there, including them in the cover letter would be repetition, and if not it wouldn't help - the cover letter is not the place for these.

You can mention other work the professor has done, but I would be careful with this. If the work is relevant to the work you'll be doing, certainly mention it. If not, it could look obsequious and an overly flattering cover letter would be worse than no cover letter at all. (Not always the case - some professors might like this, but they're probably not the professors with whom you want to work.)

Cover letters are important, but a bad cover letter could adversely affect an applicant with even a perfect resume/CV. Bear in mind that the professor will be reading a lot of these, so while you'll want to stand out from other applicants, a multi-page letter would be a bad idea.

As with a lot of writing, the crux of this is to consider the audience. A good professor will want to know who you are and what interests you about the work you're hoping to do. That's all a good cover letter needs to show.

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