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Topic : Re: I feel suddenly disconnected from my writing. Time for a break? I’ve been working on a first draft of a project since January and have been steadily working on it for hours a day every -

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This happens to me all of the time. I try not to look at it as "work" but rather a time for creative space. If you arent feeling creative or even discouraged you could try taking a break. You could also talk about your writing to other people who are interested in your work, it feels nice to have somebody interested and slightly involved in your hard work. When I feel like my time spent writing has been wasted, I talk about my writing with someone and even think of future ideas for it. Whatever feels right to you is what you should do, guilt free. Taking breaks can be important.

Some authors take dozens of years to complete a novel or they may take 6 months to complete one. There is no set timeline that is absolutely expected or necessary when it comes to writing. Besides, when you are into it more, it will always be better quality work.

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