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Topic : Re: Unofficial Fan Fictions - How can I Secure Them? For a long time now, I have been writing fan fictions based off of the storyline of a board game. I have posted these fan fictions on a -

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As has been noted, you can't put the genie back in the bottle. Once it's on the Internet, there is no way to ensure that it's removed.

Yes, you do have a legal right to require anyone who posts your work without authorization to remove the work. Having a right to do something and having a practical ability to do something are two very different things, however. Studios have a right to prevent distribution of their films and yet you can download almost any film you want with a few minutes of searching. If someone like Disney, with legions of lawyers, can't keep their works secure, what chance do you have? Who are you going to take to court when your work is up on bit torrent?

A larger question is: why are you concerned about it? Is it merely your sense of pride and ownership would be offended? Or are you more concerned about the practical impact? If the former, I'd recommend accepting the existence of things you cannot change and get on with your life. If the latter, what exactly concerns you? There is very little evidence that online sharing significantly impacts sales in most instances. Studies suggests that most people who download or view a copyrighted work online would not have purchased it if it wasn't available for free. There's even some evidence that piracy helps create fans who sometimes go out to purchase other works. Note that I am NOT defending the practice. It is immoral and it is illegal. It is wrong. Period. Full stop. But it is also unstoppable and the time you spend fretting over it as an IP owner can undoubtedly be spent on more productive things.

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