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Topic : Re: Growing Up Oblivious and Magic I don't think that I've ever read a book about a character was sat down and explained to them that they are magic, supernatural, etc. Every time I've read a -

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One reason that it's appealing to have the protagonist child not know about their magic, is because as we enter adolescence we frequently find problems (and abilities) that our parents didn't prepare us for. It may not be magic in the real world, but the confusion and panic and excitement is all resonant with that protagonist discovering some new ability. Even when parents think they are preparing their kids for something big, like sex, the kids feel like their parents were absolutely clueless. I think a story where the parents prepare a child adequately for what is going to be the biggest thing in their life will feel wrong.

So, yeah, what are the reasons that a guardian wouldn't tell a child? Here's a few ideas ...

Guardian doesn't know.
Child knowing would put them at risk.
There is some external rule against it.
Guardian has ulterior motive/other loyalty.
Magic is negatively impacted if child knows.
There is some reason that can't afford the child being magical.

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