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Topic : Re: How to make the villain relatable/human without making the hero seem like a monster for killing him? I have a story I'm writing which has a villain that, in order to make him more human/developed, -

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A villian should have a reasonable motive

That is the most difficult part of a story. Many authors are tending to miss that part, because the villian 'would lost his evilness', if the reader can follow his path. But I would say it is otherwise. Everyone can become evil, if the right buttons are pushed. So why not a villian with reasonable motives? If there are reasonable motives and they are explained very good, maybe with a bit backstory, then a villian is relatable.

Even if the villian is killed by the hero, it can be in very different ways. A last act of rebellion after being manipulated by a relative. A last wave of rage, to break free from the own shackles that hold him. There are so many ways and examples in the media, where you feel sorry for the villian, even after the hero kills him, just because you could feel with him and relate to his decisions.

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