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Topic : Re: Where do I start? Let’s say I’ve created an outline, have explored my characters properly, and have properly broken down each scene to an appropriate level of detail. I know the story, I -

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The beginning is a good place to try if you don't know. Writing a couple "sketches" with your characters can also be good. That's a light weight scene with some dialogue and description, but not heavy on story. It'll give you a good idea of what your own voice will sound like in the novel. This might point you to dinner things you want to work on right away. I only suggest this as a way to shift your attention to writing. Writing and outlining are two different things. If you are appropriately tired of exercises and really want to work on the work, it sounds like you don't have a good reason to start anywhere other than the beginning. So do that. If you just need to break the ice, try out a sketch.

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