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Topic : Re: Is it more important to provide representation, or to avoid following stereotypes? I have been trying very hard to create well rounded, and developed characters in my book. I have them all figured -

10% popularity

Unless the point of your story is to discuss sexual and ethnic groups, I'd say you're way overthinking this. The purpose of a story should be to make an interesting or entertaining story, not to create a catalog of every ethnic, religious, and sexual group on the planet.

Personally, I just find it laughable that every advertisement these days seems to just have to have a white person, a black person, and an Asian person; and at least one man and one woman. I get it, they're trying to be diverse. But by overdoing it like that you make it a joke instead of a social statement.

Create the characters you need to make your story work. Let their "group identities" fall where they may.

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