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Topic : Re: What would you say is the best way to get a self published book popularized without making a blog? I feel like a new blog would be too hard to gain attention to because for me I don’t -

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Frankly, I think every self-published author, and probably most traditionally-published authors, would like to know the answer to that. If there was an easy answer, we'd all be doing it.

I've self-published three books and have my fourth in the works.

I've tried blogging on Facebook. I put many hours into it. As far as I can tell it generated zero sales. Or maybe a handful that got lost in the random statistical noise.

I tried sending out press releases. For my first book this did a little. For my next two, it looked like nothing.

I've tried advertising on web sites. Little or nothing.

I've tried advertising in print magazines. One particular magazine proved very good for me. That's been my main source of sales. Other magazines, little or nothing.

I get some random sales just by being on Amazon.

My books are non-fiction so what works for me may be very different from what works for fiction writers.

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