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Topic : Re: Concentration whilst Writing The mental aspect of the physical act of writing is giving me some trouble recently. In other words - I think that I'm thinking too much as I'm writing and it -

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Before you take your pen or put your fingers on the keyboard, take a few minutes to empty your mind. Close your eyes. Relax. Shut up your mind. Listen to your inner silence. DO NOT WRITE A WORD BEFORE YOU CAN FEEL YOU EMPTY FILLED. When you reached this state of mind, do not think, listen your inner silence for a while, DO NOT THINK. When you'll be ready, you will feel it, not know it. Then take your pen or your keyboard and write the first sentence. DO NOT THINK. The first sentence is all.

Once again, the Universe is coming to its end.

Listen carefully your first sentence. It sounds perfect. LISTEN. The second one comes.

But this time is different. This time may be the last.

Well, it works for me. Mediation technics may help. You may also use some sort of peaceful music, which may be helpful with good earphones if you have the challenge to write in a noisy place, like I did. Personally, recently I used some ambiance sound recordings that evokes the placed where my story goes, if possible. There are plenty of them on Youtube. I even made some remixes.

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