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Topic : Re: Is it a bad idea to publish individual chapters of my book idea online for feedback? I have already typed at least 6-7 chapters of this book I've been focused on, but what I want to ask -

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M-O-O-N that spells Tom Cullen.

I recommend against posting chapters until after at least a full first draft is written. For the simple reason that you are less likely to finish the book if you get premature feedback on a few early chapters. That feedback will start focusing your effort on work already completed instead of the job at hand.

Writing is rewriting. But it demands writing first.

Regarding prologue: As a reader, I HATE prologue. I often feel obligated to read it to avoid missing some nuget of info that will deepen my appreciation of the rest of the book. Unfortunately, that nugget often exists. That means I keep reading prologues. Writers keep writing them. But I end up reading the first couple chapters pissed off because the author abused me by forcing me to watch his mental masturbation. Don't do prologue.

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