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Topic : Well, there's always Savi Sharma, whose inspirational romance Everyone Has A Story made her India's youngest self-published successful female author. And all it took was a little (electronic) -

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Well, there's always Savi Sharma, whose inspirational romance Everyone Has A Story made her India's youngest self-published successful female author. And all it took was a little (electronic) word of mouth.

In her own words:

I never thought about how I will get my book published or how it will
reach my readers. What I believed in were two things: my story and
technology. I knew if I could tell a good story, technology would help
me to reach my audience. I simply believed in the power of social
media and internet. Once the novel was completed, I got the copies
printed with great quality and listed the book exclusively on Amazon.
I started marketing some content of the book on social media and the
response was overwhelming. It just went viral and my book became
amazon bestseller selling more than 5000 copies in a month. I became
India's youngest self-published successful female author.

In an article in The Economic Times, she discusses her 10 smart ways to make sure that your book is a bestseller.

One good way to find more success stories about authors is subscribe to the Amazon Kindle (or similar) newsletter. It regularly features articles about the methods used by self-published authors who have attained big sales.

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