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Topic : Re: Occupational Hazards to being a Full-Time Writer Every now and again I think to myself how nice it would be to give up my staid life as a Software Developer and start an exciting new career -

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Well, as a software developer who is a partner to a full time published (4x) author, I can attest that hazards will include:

Arguing. Authors have a lot of "characters" in their head at any one time, so you'll surely find yourself taking on the persona of one of them at some point. Actions taken by the recipient could be to shake their head and walk away to punching "some sense" into you (disclosure: I haven't done this with my partner. I tend to ask some enquiring questions first to determine to whom I am dealing with. And no, she's not crazy, just an author)
Bitching about the state of royalties. You may find (depending on where you reside) that author royalties are being eroded or reduced. Not good news if you want to survive.
Repetitively playing Moxy Fruvous "My baby loves a bunch of authors" If the other two points don't push all your friends away, this is guaranteed to work - Knock yourself out here

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