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Topic : Re: Static Scenes that still Move the Story Forward I've just read a tutorial about scenic techniques in novel-writing that recommends that a story should have a rhythm of static scenes and dramatic -

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You are asking about the scene-sequel philosophy of story construction.


Go here.

Scene: Goal/Conflict/Disaster.
Sequel: Reaction/Dilemma/Decision.

The 'static' scenes are the sequels, and they move the plot forward because in those parts the main characters are formulating their next decision. The sequels can be short.

There's a good chance you have some sequels in your writing already. These are the sections where the people are talking about what to do next. There are no guns being bandied about, no cars screeching down the road, no blood spurting. Instead, people breathing heavily, re-sheathing the swords, looking around at the mayhem that just happened, and moving on to get to the inn before nightfall.

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