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Topic : Researching an Apology Email I’m writing a comedy story that shows my two characters moving to the brink of tragedy and then, ultimately, to reconciliation. The tale is based on a series of -

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I’m writing a comedy story that shows my two characters moving to the brink of tragedy and then, ultimately, to reconciliation. The tale is based on a series of emails between a football mad guy and his wife, within which they quarrel catastrophically.

The essence is that France's FIFA World Cup Semi-Final match against Belgium is on/at the same day and time (Tuesday, 7pm) as the football fan’s child's school play.

In the story, my character innocently (in his mind) begins the hostilities by sending an email to his wife apologising for not being able to attend his son's school play. What I’m struggling with is the format of this crucial email.

So, my question is: how do I go about researching the format of an apology email?

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Have you seen this website? It's for writing all sorts of apology letters/emails, and it has formal apology letters and personal apology letters:
How about this one from the website? (I changed some sentences a bit.)

Dear {Name},

I received your invitation and am so honored to be included among the people you want to celebrate your marriage with. Unfortunately, I will be unable to attending the wedding due to {reason}.

I'm so sorry to miss your joyful day. I know that your wedding will be perfect and I'm so happy for you. Congratulations, and I wish you all the best!


{Your name}.

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