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Topic : Should I explain the consequences of the contributions in the contribution section? Should I explain the consequences of the contributions in the contribution section of a research paper? For instance, -

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Should I explain the consequences of the contributions in the contribution section of a research paper?

For instance, what is the best option between these two (if any)?

In this paper, we provide the following contribution:

We prove that if X is a complete metric space and T: X -> X is a contraction mapping then there is a unique fixed point.


In this paper, we provide the following contribution:

We prove that if X is a complete metric space and T: X -> X is a contraction mapping then there is a unique fixed point. The consequences of this theorem are ...

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I would not provide the consequences; those are detailed in the paper itself.

If anything, you have an abstract at the front of the paper that will tend toward that, e.g.

We will show that there is a unique fixed point in this transformed mapping, thus demonstrating the viability of Finkleworth's proposal. We then implement that and demonstrate ...

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