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Topic : The editor of a small college magazine really, really ought to have legal counsel readily available. If the magazine has some official affiliation with the college, then the college's lawyers -

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The editor of a small college magazine really, really ought to have legal counsel readily available. If the magazine has some official affiliation with the college, then the college's lawyers may be available for consultation. Otherwise, a relationship with a proper lawyer should be part of the magazine's budget.

You say you believe you can prove that certain events occurred. That's good. Expect to have to produce that proof in defence of a civil action. That's expensive. Magazines, large and small, are made and broken in such activities. You and the author will likely be named, personally, as respondents.

Further, the college itself may find itself named in any such suit (certainly so if the magazine has an official affiliation, but very likely so even if it doesn't). They will not be happy about this and may re-evaluate whether this magazine is worth keeping running, which may or may not be based on the objective defensibility of the statements. You may not feel now that the college "keeps the magazine running" but you may find they have lots of ways to not keep it running. So if you have any kind of advisor, or liaison, or board of directors, let them know what you're planning, and take their advice.

A small college magazine that doesn't have a big budget and which is not in the position to fund legal defences for itself and its staff might be very reasonable in formulating strict policy: we print nothing potentially defamatory. We're just not in that business.

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