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Topic : Re: What techniques do you use to maintain your writing focus and maximise your productivity? How do you keep writing no matter what’s going on around you? How do you avoid the distractions of -

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1. Find another writer who’s as anxious to increase productivity as you are.

Note: I’ve only tried this with other writers, it may work with people in other fields, but it does have to be someone who’s as dedicated as you are. Someone who won’t be tempted to derail the process with chit-chat and interruptions.

2. Install an internet blocking application that blocks access to non-essential sites for a specified period of time.

Note: I use FocusMe. It’s a bit crude but it works and it’s cheap. All social media sites are blocked but I can still Google and use the dictionary and thesaurus. BTW, I use it’s great!

3. Schedule set days and times at each other’s houses or in cafes. Make sure everything you need is at hand before you start writing. You are not allowed to get up!

Note: We make sure we have our laptop chargers, snacks and drinks at hand, and put mobile phones in do not disturb mode.

4. Set the timer on your blocking application to 52 minutes.

Note: 52 minutes seems like a strange time but it really works for us. You may find it too short or too long.

5. When the bell goes, break. Have a natter, make a cup of tea, take a bathroom break, unload the dishwasher.

Note: You may find you don’t want to stop. We often don't. The ideal break is 8 minutes, but we break for longer if we need to. Just don’t let the break drag on. One of us always puts a stop to it.

6. Set the timer and go again. Aim for at least 4 sessions.

You’ll be amazed how much work you’ll get done in just 4 or 5 of these sessions. I don’t know why it works so well. I don’t know why it doesn’t work when I use the productivity software alone. There is something about having another dedicated writer in the room that prevents you from getting out of that chair for any reason, forcing you to churn out work for those 52 minutes. Perhaps it’s the sound of their furiously tapping keys that forces you to tap faster.

When my university lecturer left for remote climes, I tried everything to get that productivity back. I even posted her picture on the wall so she was staring down at me. It didn’t work. In the end, I suggested the technique to another writer friend of mine. She was very dubious as she always works alone, so I suggested a trial run. She is blown away by it. Like me, her productivity has tripled and she’s addicted to the process.

Give it a try and drop a comment if it works for you too.

Happy writing!

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