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Topic : Re: What techniques do you use to maintain your writing focus and maximise your productivity? How do you keep writing no matter what’s going on around you? How do you avoid the distractions of -

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I'm not exactly the same kind of writer, because I'm writing scenarios for full-scale roleplay games. I'm 99% sure there's no miracle : if you WANT to find a method that works for you, there is one thing you have to do at the very beginning of your work : putting pression on yourself. I'm not productive enough until the goal I want to achieve is important enough for me to forget the other things that get my addicted : online games, social networks...

And when you are working, make sure nothing can disturb you, or on the contrary make sure you can't be disturbed by anything. I'm often surrounded by people chatting, playing music, living their lifes and I don't even realize they're really there, sometimes even when they try to tell me something.

If your writing is important to you, you'll find a way. If you can't write anything, maybe it's not time, and forcing you to work will only lower your result quality.

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