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Topic : Re: Does dialogue need to be accurate to the setting? I am currently writing a story that is set in pre-WWI USA/America. I do not mind conducting research about the locations and the time. I -

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Does it have to be? No, it doesn't have to be. Could it be beneficial? Yes.

Dune isn't historical fiction, but the author meticulously crafts a way of speaking for his characters. This makes the book difficult read (especially considering the author drops made up words on you without any definition), but it helps the world feel move alive. It helps the reader get immersed in the story.

This is (in my opinion at least) the greatest benefit from trying to mimic the way past generations spoke. For historical fiction, it also make you (as the author) look more credible since you took the time to study dialogue of the time.

It isn't required in writing - few things are - but it could definitely be helpful.

One word of advice: if you decide not to be accurate in dialogue, attempt to not sound too much like the language today. Avoid using idioms and phrases associated with a modern era. Again, this isn't required, but it doesn't require much work and helps with the reader's immersion.

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