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Topic : Re: How long can a fantasy novel stay in metaphorical Kansas? I am writing a novel with the basic Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland or the Matrix if you want structure. The novel begins in perfect -

10% popularity about starting with a prologue which is set in the magical world? Normally, I am opposed to prologues but this might be a situation where one could provide a detail (that this is a fantasy novel) which cannot be provided (early enough) in the narrative.

Aside from that, yes, I think readers' feedback is dead on. People who read fantasy expect fantasy, and if they don't get it right away they may get bored with the story. The only exception is if they actually enjoy whatever type of fiction the story is before it turns into fantasy, but then you still run into the problem of having the readers feel deceived. They started reading a gritty crime novel and their expectations were sent down that path, and then suddenly they are asked to switch directions and go in an entirely new direction. It's not something that people usually enjoy.

One thing you might try is to have your POV thinking about fantasy, even if (s)he doesn't encounter it in the world. A drug addict kid with an abusive, alcoholic father who escapes the world by fantasizing about being able to do magic. That allows readers to empathize, and to anticipate good things to come.

Now, 4000 words isn't too much...maybe a chapter or so. It might be enough to have magic on the cover. People might be willing to wait for a chapter before getting to the magic. However, be aware that as they are reading, they will be waiting for the magic. You need to give them something to anticipate. If, as they are reading, they are thinking "this will make things better for (the POV) once magic gets here" that gives them a good reason to keep reading, and as long as the magic "arrives" by the end of the chapter, you should be good. Longer than that and you may lose them.

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