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Topic : Re: How long can a fantasy novel stay in metaphorical Kansas? I am writing a novel with the basic Wizard of Oz, Alice in Wonderland or the Matrix if you want structure. The novel begins in perfect -

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The Matrix starts with Trinity getting chased down by agents, before it starts with mundane Neo.
Harry Potter starts with Dumbledore, and McGonagall, and Hagrid discussing the death of Voldemort, before going to mundane Harry.
The Way of Kings has a prologue about an ancient magical war fought by gods, and another about the assassin in white storming a castle and killing everyone with magic, before going to the humble beginnings of each main character.

So it seems from example that while humble beginnings are great to anchor the reader's perspective (so that magic is indeed magical), it's also good to start with potentially-confusing-magic/history/lore that starts to make sense as the main character learns about it.

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