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Topic : Re: Series: How can I get my reader to not expect any one genre? Background: I'm planning on writing an extensive series of fantasy books. I plan on writing quite a few of these books, and while -

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Being honest, I think the best way to be detached from a specific genre is by writing the story you want to write, as opposed to writing a scifi, dystopia, et cetera. I know it's a wooey answer, and being honest Amadeus has covered the meat of the topic pretty well.

I'm in the same position; I have a fantasy world I've created (with the help of a co-writer) and I fully intend to keep the world itself genre-agnostic; the book I'm currently writing is a adventure/coming-of-age story, while a book I intend to write as a direct sequel is going to be a political rise-and-fall tragedy, et cetera, et cetera.

As long as you've established there's something bigger than the story itself within your first book, then readers who soldier through your first book and notice a second book set in the world should be open to a different experience; after all, the real world is full of stories, none of which adhere to any one genre. I think Discworld is the best popular example I can think of this being pulled off.

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