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Topic : Re: Ordinary writing or Prose: how to make it immersive? As a beginner, I have a frequent problem when writing: I know what I want to write, but I fail to put it in good sentences that reflect -

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There are various issues here, like unnecessary words (glances are inherently quick, if something is said to 'hit like a rock', the 'hard' part is implicit) and poorly-paired/redundant terms (frowns involve the brow; 'frowned brows' is better as 'frown' or 'lowered brow'), and at times, unnecessary explanations in a needlessly passive voice ('The bitterness made a tear ran down his cheek.' can easily be 'A tear ran down his cheek'. This leaves the reader to infer its cause (bitterness) and makes it grammatically correct ('made a tear run' or 'a tear ran' are correct, 'made a tear ran' isn't).

That being said, people can't be expected to know the ins and outs of good style instinctively, and unlike most people on this site, I'm not going to endorse 'just write' as the answer; you can repeat your mistakes all you like, if you don't know what you're doing wrong, you won't improve.

Instead, read novels. Read lots of novels. Get a feel for good style. Get a feel for what good authors do right. This is how you develop an understanding of how prose is put together; writing is merely the application of what you've learned. After a certain point, writing is more important than learning the fundamentals, but for now, fundamentals are where it's at for you.

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