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Topic : Re: Ordinary writing or Prose: how to make it immersive? As a beginner, I have a frequent problem when writing: I know what I want to write, but I fail to put it in good sentences that reflect -

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"As an experienced writer, how do you write prose so that the reader gets immersed in your story?" I don't know that I do, but almost all my "writing technique", so called, comes from reading the work of others. I've had very little formal education in the writing of fiction, I've learned by reading. So if I want to write existential horror I read H.P. Lovecraft, and his many contemporary imitators, if I want to write apocalypse fiction I read John Wyndham and John Christopher. Find authors who engage you in the genre you want to work in and read their work, read it for enjoyment, then reread it with an eye to the technical details of sentence and narrative structure, then read it again as well. Then write it, not the same story but your own work using the same structures that grab your attention and hold it, it won't be right the first few times but keep reading and writing back and forward until you feel that you have capture what you want from that piece. Then get someone else to read your piece to confirm that you have in fact accomplished a good piece of work. It doesn't actually matter how closely it matches the style your were going for, as long as it works well in and of itself. As you read more and more material you'll eventually develop your own particular style which will adapt and change as you read and write different pieces.

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