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Topic : Re: Translating worldbuilding into an interesting opening I've once heard there are 2 types of writers, and I am definitively an architect. I can write down a few hundred pages of worldbuilding and -

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Worldbuilding gives you the setting in which to tell a story. It is not the story itself. As a writer you need to wear many different hats. Architect is one hat, and editor is another, but the one you need to wear right now is storyteller.

Get a complete story down on paper, don't worry about how firm its foundation is, or how good it is, or how compelling, or if it covers all the worldbuilding details. Just write it, no judgement, no editing, no revising, no self-critiques. Then, only after you have a complete draft, go back and work it into shape.

There is no writing rule that you have to have a great prologue before you write the rest. Many books have beginnings that were written last --the reader will never know the difference.

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