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Topic : Re: When writing science fiction, how important is it to provide scientific details for the (fictitious) things you are presenting in the story? I know there is a difference between 'hard' and 'soft' -

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I'd recommend providing as little information as possible. It leaves readers to speculate on how things work and provides you with no limits in the future to what things can or can't do. I'll reference Harry Potter. Use of multiple wands by 1 person, where does the energy come from for spells, limits to how powerful a spell can be, why everyone just doesn't use Avada Kedavra to immediately end fights, why elf magic is so powerful, etc. None of these issues are ever addressed in the books, yet people love to speculate and discuss these issues and the books are huge successes. Then take the Eragon series. The author does a great job of explaining where the energy comes from in magic, explains limits to everything, but the writing gets very detailed and limits what the characters can do in magic since it isn't limitless like in HP. The eragon series is successful, but no where near HP.

It took 10 years to write 7 HP books. 9 years to write 4 Eragon books. It's your world you're writing. You set the rules, not the other way around.

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