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Topic : Re: How to stop rushing writing I get caught up a lot in what I'm writing and I'm interested in writing a particular scene, but the scene might be chapters away. I don't like writing it before -

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With me, I try to find a balance between writing 'sloppily' and generally focusing on the scenes I'm interested in and writing in a more focused way. What I do, at least regarding my novel (and my previous short stories), is the following.

Lay out a basic plan and outline, what themes I want to explore, who the characters are, all the basic stuff.
Write in an explorative manner for the first draft; run on passion for a while, see what parts work and what don't work, which parts require set-up/foreshadowing, and where and why.
Scrap this entire draft, but keep the notes I made on it.
Plan and outline everything again, this time with the notes on pacing, what worked, what didn't, what foreshadowing I needed, potential changes required for characters, et cetera.
Write a second draft, this one much more focused and capable of being kept around for editing (rather than rewriting). This one has the benefit of including the good parts of the explorative phase with a much more business-like, focused approach.
Edit the second draft as intensely as is necessary.

After that, there should be a semi-decent manuscript to send to a professional editor in there. Yes, there's a fair bit of revision and rewriting that's required, but it's better than doing lip-service revision and getting stuck in an editing/reediting loop.

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