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Topic : Re: Do Fantasy novels have less readership than a Realistic Fiction novel? Am I right in assuming that a fantasy book will garner much less interest than a realistic fiction novel? On one hand, -

10% popularity

The plural of anecdote is not data... but speaking from my own experience, sci-fi and fantasy are just about all I read. So it doesn't matter how popular the Girl Who Kicked the Dragon Fire Tattoo in Swedish books are, I am never going to read them.

On the other hand, I buy multiple copies of books by Anne McCaffrey, Mercedes Lackey, Gael Baudino, and Isaac Asimov, to have different covers and to have copies to give to friends. I will champion Gossamer Axe for years. I couldn't tell you who was on the Amazon bestseller list last week.*

*Actually I could: It was Go The Fuck To Sleep. But that's the exception which proves the rule.

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