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Topic : Re: What makes "thrilling" writing? I am writing a thriller, but even though it is filled with exciting events, it is starting to feel boring to me. My Scenario: This girl (Freya) has amnesia and -

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There are several aspects to writing a good thriller. The genre requires a disciplined style of writing which goes against the natural inclination of most new writers. The tension is created by detailing facts without immediate explanation. This causes the reader to generate possible motives and justifcations that may or may not exist.

e.g. Granddad has been confined to a wheelchair since Thanksgiving 2010. Bob has been in prison since 2011. Granddad is not allowed to be home alone with 5-year-old Katy.

At this point the writer needs a sense of reader patience. How many pages can the writer make the reader turn before confirming or denying any relationships between the stated facts.

Misdirection and precision are other essential qualities.

e.g. Examine the following.

(1) John waited until the front door opened. "John Jackson. LAPD," he said, waving his badge. "Do you mind answering a few questions?"

(2) After his daughter went missing John Jackson went door-to-door pretending to be a police officer.

It shows the power provided by showing rather than telling. We show the reader facts and let make assumptions.

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