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Topic : Re: Should a non-native writer try to use complex English words? I am a non-native English user and whenever I write something is it better that I use simple words or some rare and seldomly used -

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I guarantee you that aiming for "an elaborate style of writing with as many elegant and "sexy" words as possible" will not result in your writing "displaying an excellent knowledge of English" but rather make your work appear clunky and awkward, and look to most readers like you are trying to appear impressive rather than actually being impressive.

Unless you are writing an assignment for an English class, or your limited writing skills make your work hard to read, no-one reading your work cares about your knowledge of English. They will be altogether more interested in the content of your work, and your writing style needs to work to support that goal rather than be an aim in itself. In most circumstances, therefore, you should choose the words that most clearly express your meaning and use those. The most common exception being when writing for a less technical audience where you should avoid words that are unlikely to be familiar to your audience.

This, incidentally, is true whether or not you are a native speaker.

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