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Topic : Re: Should a non-native writer try to use complex English words? I am a non-native English user and whenever I write something is it better that I use simple words or some rare and seldomly used -

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Thinking deeper, speaking in terms of the "trouble" as you said, that/this might be the realm of serious psychological/mental health applications of your question logic. What Discovery Channel's Mayday calls "human factors" can apply to single words alone. (from Mayday) is a technically good (emotionally bad) example: "This dire situation was not recognized as an emergency by the controllers because of the failure of the pilots to use the word "emergency"."

"The captain asked the first officer to "tell them we are in [an]

"The captain once again asked whether the first officer had advised the controller of the fuel emergency, and the first officer replied, "Yes sir. I already advise him"

"...informing him that the flight had "just ah lost two engines[,] and ... we need priority please."

From personal experience, the same applies to the normal (which can still feel foreign and rare) words used to report problems according to the law, where there is an intersection between words that you may not even know, and words that if you do not say, there will be the trouble of self-censoring and/or knowing nothing. To give your question another perspective, is being heard as saying "sexy" may mean "abuse" given such a Mayday equation, and that effect being a native speaker too, often a topic of literacy efforts that is felt impossible to dictate (or even educate) and describe because of the liability just explaining "Sexy"/Abuse, or Priority/Emergy.

Triggers "Priority" and "Emergency" being the examples of simple versus compex words we all can apparently at any age say/omit (because of literacy, social pressure, or otherwise) that can determine if I know what you mean by "trouble".

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