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Topic : Re: How to write internally emotional characters? Over the past couple of days, I've asked questions about writing female characters with agency, and writing female characters as a male writer. Both -

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They are both being very detached and clinical about their situation. Perhaps that is a result of who they are and how they were trained, combined with a lack of serious challenge in their smooth as glass lives.

She seems to initially give up, turning into a damsel for him to rescue. ‘I don’t have the toolkit’ etc.

The villa possibly was not built yet,though one issue is that in that span of time there would be considerable differences in the appearance of the landscape, forests where in the future there are fields, vice versa.

Those first moments of shock could be silent, simply Celeste pointing at trees that ought not be there and wondering where or when they are. Once they determine the where, when becomes the X factor.

Get inside their heads. Imagine yourself waking up in a cave with a Rip Van Winkle effect and wondering ____________? You turn to your companion and do you say anything? If so, what and why?

The point made about dialogue going in directions otherwise intended is an excellent point.

Marko’s confidence that they can figure it all out might be sheer bravado.

These two have had a placid existence and such is not always conducive to complexity, but now they are many centuries in the past. The language, which should be the same, has altered over time and seems foreign to them.

Celeste gets to meet who she really is, discover what matters most to her. Her ambitions, fears and petty dislikes; everything that contributes to making her her.

Marko is also meeting his true self and discovering that he is both stronger and weaker than he thought and fear, such a foreign concept to them that they never really internalized the concept, becomes a part of their lives and they find courage.

Having these people a bit flat might work if you just want them as plot devices with names, but they can be dynamic.

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