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Topic : Re: Films where the antagonist appears relatively late Usually the antagonist is introduced as early as possible. However, are there films where the antagonist appears rather late? The earlier parts -

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There is actually a number of scenarios in which antagonist is withheld until late in the plot.

Antagonist boss is camera-shy. Audience is well aware of him (or her), but not able to actually see until much later. Along the way we may see secondary antagonists who cold be bosses' minions. Examples are Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and The Princess Bride.
Mystery antagonist is talked about a lot throughout the story, but typically revealed only towards the end of a movie. He (or she) may have a very familiar face. For example, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo has a good example of such character.
Hidden antagonist may be so well hidden that audience is not even aware of his (or her) existence until it is revealed. I would recite @hszmv 's example of Frozen here.

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