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Topic : Re: Ripoff Character I've been writing a story, and recently someone came to me and said the characters are very similar to a couple of the ones in Leigh Bardugo's Six of Crows, I myself read -

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Inspired by is fine. What you might want to do is distance them a bit. The ‘Kaz’ is probably the stronger link, might ‘Kaz’ become ‘Sid’?

The cane, if it is significant in the other work, might be best changed a bit. It could be a wolf or lion head instead of a crow.

We strive for originality, but every story has been told, we just put a different twist, a flavour of our own and make our story a shade different, but completely original concepts will not happen.

If you see strong parallels between those two pairs of characters, try changing something about yours and make them truly your own characters.

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