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Topic : Re: How to create a memorable line? I recently re-watched the Overwatch animated short "Honor and Glory". You can tell the writers were proud of the line "Live with Honor, Die with Glory", as the -

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The best advice I ever read on creating memorable lines was:

In literature, the charm of style is indefinable, yet all-subduing, just as fine manners are in social life. In reality, it is not of so much consequence what you say, as how you say it.

Memorable sentences are memorable on account of some single irradiating word.

by the famous poet Alexander Smith in Dreamthorp: A Book of Essays Written in the Country. It's in chapter II, "On The Writing of Essays", p. 42 (the linked volume was published 1906, though Smith died in 1867, so I'm not sure when he wrote it).

It can be found in your favorite book of quotations (e.g. Bartlett's), if you want, but you know how I find it whenever I need it? I google irradiating word :)

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