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Topic : Is it better to use a tricolon or an enumeration with four objects? I am not 100% sure if this is the correct SE to ask this question and if it is not I hope someone could be so kind -

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I am not 100% sure if this is the correct SE to ask this question and if it is not I hope someone could be so kind to tell me where I should ask this question.

I am writing an essay (for school) and I was wondering whether I should sum up four facts that support my opinion or three instead.

On the one hand it seems logical that summing up one more fact would have a better effect, however, on the other hand, the presence of a separate name for summing up three items - tricolon - makes it seem as if a tricolon might actually be better than an enumeration summing just four facts.

So my question is, should I use a tricolon or an enumeration with four facts?

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If all of your 4 points are symmetrical in structure, 4 is fine. 4 sentences is a tetracolon. If all of the facts are not similar in grammatical structure then nether 3 nor 4 is not an isocolon at all.

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