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Topic : Re: The problem with beginning I don't mean "sitting down to write", I mean the literal beginning. The story itself starts with my protagonist running. I need to get him to run, then I'll have -

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My suggestion is to view your story like it's a movie. Imagine they're not reading, but WATCHING. How do you want your readers to visualize the scene? If you start the story in Media Res, put MC right in the middle of the chase scene, and really zoom into the action- he's jumping over an apple cart, apples are flying everywhere, he landed in a crate of pears, the vendors are screaming- but he can't stop! Then zoom out later when the action dies down and explain what happens.

You could also do a POV shift: tell your readers about what's going on by placing them next to someone telling the story- the bad guys, for example, explaining what they're gonna do to MC when they catch him, finally getting their revenge for that time when he did XYZ- then pan back to MC.

Or, you could do an alternating sequence, either with MC before the chase in a state of calm alternating back and forth between this and the chase, or with MC after the chase in whatever state he's in, alternating to the chase.

In essence, just play with structure! There's no reason for things to be in order if the reader will figure them out eventually!

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