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Topic : Re: If two characters are blood relations will it seem coincidental? I have a character who is a seasoned CIA agent and is part of the task force that is bringing in my MC. I have another character, -

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Two answers.


If the great uncle is the reason that the nephew became a CIA agent, I think this is fine. The uncle provided the motivation to the nephew. These are causal, not coincidental.

I think ^^ this answer ^^ is more relevant to your question than my other thoughts, below.


More broadly, my sense is that coincidences are fine if a reason or two is provided before the reveal.

In the case of the MC discovering that the assassin is a relative of the agent, you can world-build things in ahead of time:

~Adoption might be part of the storyline wherever it fits.

~These two related characters share a distinctive feature or characteristic, perhaps a fondness for spicy food or some such. This is tipoff to the reader to soften them up.

~I am sure you can brainstorm creative world building explanations. Maybe only a slice of society has access to certain careers. Play with it.

If you have these sorts of things up front, although you'll need to hit the right note with it, it can work.

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