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Topic : Re: Correct order for Thesis Front Matter What is the correct order of the following pages comprising a doctoral thesis: Title, Abstract, Colophon, Copyright, Dedication, Preface, Acknowledgements, Table -

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The standard will depend on what field you’re in — math is different from biology is different from literary critisism — and your country — UK traditions are different from US are different from Dutch, Russian, etc… I’d suggest inquiring in roughly the following order:

Look at any specific requirements set out by your university or department. Anything specified in these is probably non-negotiable.
For anything these don’t settle, ask your academic advisor/supervisor! They should know what’s expected, both in the field at large and in your specific department.
If your advisor isn’t helpful (although they really should be!), look at some other theses you respect or admire within your field — especially ones from your own university, or at least the same country. If there’s a consensus between them, then follow this example.
If these still don’t settle the matter decisively, then you’re probably free to choose it yourself; so use whatever you think presents the material most effectively. This will be a judgement call depending on the specific content of your thesis — no-one is better qualified to judge it than you are.

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