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Topic : Re: How do I stay motivated while planning a series of novels? I've been working on a fantasy series for the past few years. When I first started, I wrote my first draft (for the first book) -

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You say that the ideas you come up with while writing are much better than the ones you planned. Sounds like you might be a discovery writer.

I have four novels still in the work is progress stage but they - if I do complete them - worst case served as practice. Best case, I have two high concept fantasy novels waiting to be finished. Even my juvenilia has a purpose and while they will never see the light of day, they were fun to write and taught me.

My current work has no relation to them in style or genre. I am writing a spy thriller that began as a question. I spent two months creating the characters of the brother and sister, getting their relationship just so. Finding their names and getting to know them before writing that first sentence.

Since joining this forum I have learned that I am a discovery writer. My characters go about their lives, meet others and have adventures - often surprising me. I have a general idea of the arc of the series, but the way the characters interact drive the story.

Choosing to write the entire series scene by scene but not in order is an interesting choice. If that is your process, that is your process, but it might make flow more difficult to achieve.

Worry a bit less about planning and devote more time to writing. Periodically read sections to check for flow and keep going. You might find errors or, as I have done on occasion, realized that character x needs a tweak and go back, make a few changes and go on.

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