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Topic : Re: How to portray a passively arrogant character? How can I portray a character who does not actively seek attention, but is still vain and self-superior? Since I don't know how much information -

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Passive arrogance, as others have mentioned, is about believing they know more than others and more than they really know. They are right and being wrong would be a sign of the coming apocalypse. They also would see things in a fashion to benefit them. No benefit, no interest.

I know a guy who likes to tell people all kinds of things that are not correct. He does not listen to others as he knows best and his experience and ‘wisdom’ are unquestioned. He thinks he is kind and generous, but any favour he does is an attempt to gain control over the other person and gain praise from others.

He has elements of arrogance in his personality but does not see it nor believe it should it be pointed out to him. His picayune problems are more important than anyone else’s problems because they are his problems and must be commiserated and solved though he tells others he doesn’t have time to listen or their problems are not important.

Your Alice will not see her arrogance, but will help train Bob as she is the only one who could possibly do so correctly. While Bob might be a Chosen, so is she and she was Chosen first. She will look upon Bob and his Candide tendencies as a severely limited being with little potential. If he is their best hope, they have two problems.

Nothing she will do or say will seem malicious and any sabotage would be inadvertent. The only way Bob can succeed is through her - either directly or indirectly. Only because of her training was he able to do x.

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