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Topic : Re: How to show the same emotion multiple times? I think everyone has heard the "show don't tell" rule. My question is how can I show same emotion multiple times without the description being the -

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Think Contextually

Consider the scene at hand to provide with an idea of how the character will react to the specific scare.

If you tie the (scared) reaction that the character exhibits to the particular event each time then your writing will portray a scene which feels real.

Consider A Zombie Story

I don't know what type of story you're writing but consider a zombie story. The first time the character encounters a zombie she is going to have a completely different response than the fifteenth time she encounters one. That is your guide.

If there are new creepier things that happen when she encounters a zombie (or group of zombies) she will react differently otherwise the reader will know she is at a basic level of creeped out and there is no need to show the reaction every time.

However, there will be continual unexpected shocks as your main character turns a corner and encounters a zombie she didn't know was there and that will be normal for your readers.

Just keep the context in mind and each scared reaction should come off just right.

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