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Topic : Re: How to write a memorial plaque? I've been tasked with drafting the text for a memorial plaque dedicated to group X. Group X was big, diverse, and had several hundred years of rich history. -

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Generally, I would start with "On this spot on/in [full date or year of deed] [event occured i.e. 500 people gave their lives for the Union][reson it matters in a big picture i.e. and the belief that all men are created equal/should be free/should not be a slave.] May we honor their memories/Continue their work/[Insert Pithy Pledge to remember for reasons here].

I would also recommend a famous quote either made by one of the participants or someone regarding them (i.e. "The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here." -Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address).

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