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Topic : Re: How can I make a talky, idea-based concept enjoyable I'm writing a psychological novel about different characters finding the meaning of their lives. But the ending reveals it was all part of -

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Answer: It's about not cheating the reader.

The reader needs to feel either that they are in on the idea from early in the book, or at the very least, in hindsight, the reader needs to be able to recall all of the obvious clues you left throughout.

Amadeus has pointed at The Sixth Sense as an excellent example of this sort of thing--the story upon second watching is clearly (so very clearly) being told from the point of view of (hover over the box to see the spoiler:)

a dead person

but without knowing that on the first viewing, you are able to enjoy the story believing that it is as straightforward as it appears.

Your goal is to tell the story with that level of frequent, subtle reveal that can be missed but is entirely present. Watch The Sixth Sense if you haven't.

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