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Topic : Re: Writing romance when I have little experience in it I'm in high school, and have had few romantic relationships. The few that I have had were very unhealthy. I have pretty much no good -

10% popularity

Just keep it cliche by pretending that it is unique.

Romance is THE most done to death theme in writing.

And just like the real life counterpart, fictional romances are all uniquely the same.

You don't need to keep it real.

You just have to WRITE with CONVICTION and the readers will buy absolutely whatever..

Even the BARD himself did precisely NOTHING to establish/explain the romance between Romeo and Juliet! Shakespeare coined the catchy phrase "Star-crossed lovers", and the whole world bought it. Hook, line and sinker. He never bothered to explain the infatuation. And do the readers care? No. Not even a little bit.

If it works for the Bard, it should work for you too

And btw... given the fact that Shakespeare didn't die in a double suicide, it is pretty clear he didn't experience the Romeo Juliet romance either.

So don't research. Just write.. And write with conviction. That's all people (readers/audience/viewers) ever wanted anyway. It is escapism...

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