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Topic : Re: How do some self-published books on Amazon get lots of sales without any marketing whatsoever? I get confused with this whole indie-publishing thing in terms of the advice I keep hearing from -

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Just because you don’t see the marketing doesn’t mean the marketing is not there.

Those bloggers usually have other means to market their book.

Take the case of the “The subtle art of not giving a fuck”. Self published and top seller. You may wonder how that came to be...

Well it wasn’t Mark’s first book. Previous one was published and sold only on his website. Even that one was published only after having written on his blog for a long time. I followed Mark Manson blog for about ten years. I saw it grow from a thousand or so readers to over several hundred thousands. More so, those readers knew his style, the way he wrote, commented on the articles and share his posts on Facebook or twitter (myself included).

When he published his book he was also doing writing for some prestigious magazines and blogs. By the time he published his book... do you really think he needed traditional marketing?

Of course not, he had something a lot better than a marketing agency. He had followers. Better yet, he had a critical mass of followers that would transmit the book and give positive reviews and share it on social media.

You say marketing and you think on traditional marketing but that’s no longer the big selling check that you needed to check, social media, viral campaigns, followers and influencers... sadly or not, that’s what marketing is about nowadays. So no, there’s a lot of marketing behind those self published books, just not of the traditional kind.

Final note, obviously this only works because the book and all his previous writing is really good, bad products don’t sell, not over this kind of marketing.

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